Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Runny Nose

Ok, I need a break from thinking of taxes. Here's something I was thinking about last night while I brushed my teeth: WHY is my nose running? I have pretty dry skin as is, so the drier and colder weather in the winter can really do a number on my delicate skin. I get a snuffly nose off an on throughout the day for more logical reasons: going into or coming out of a colder climate, eating food or sipping hot tea. I know that nasal mucus is a good thing even if I don't always appreciate it slipping down my throat while I gasp for breath during a jog.

Now the logical thing to do would be to ask the fiance med student, but he's at anatomy lab right now, and by the time he comes home I'll be cooking dinner and have forgotten. I skipped around the interwebz to try and find a somewhat plausible answer but find nothing satisfactory. One person, on MetaFilter posited that it is because people normally breathe through their nose. Nope, try again. I read all sorts of reasons, though normally not what I would call trustworthy, that were not the common ones of cold or allergy symptoms. Pressure, perhaps from leaning forward while spitting, increased saliva production, or maybe it's because I'm, unbeknowst to me, allergic to something in our toothpaste?

Oh, well. At least I tried to learn a possible reason why! Here's something that is way more fun than runny noses or tax returns, enjoy!

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